The Forty Rules

soul education May 21, 2020

The present age for the world is Dwapara Yuga, an age of rapid development in all departments of knowledge. A time the world is reaching out for spiritual knowledge, and humanity requires loving help one from the other.

In the book, “The Holy Science” by Swami Sri Yukteswar (Paramahansa Yogananda’s Master), you’ll find a discussion with mathematical calculation of all the yugas or ages, which correspond to The Forty Rules mentioned below.

For now, here’s are some highlights from the book providing a summary of the 24,000 year period the sun completes the revolution around its dual and finishes one electric cycle consisting of 12,000 years in an ascending arc and 12,000 years in a descending arc.

“We learn from Oriental astronomy that moons revolve around their planets, and planets turning on their axes revolve with their moons round the sun; and the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth – a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called, Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Development of dharma, the mental virtue, is but gradual and is divided into four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The time of 1,200 years during which the sun passes through the 1/20th portion of its orbit is called Kali YugaDharma, the mental virtue, is then in its first stage and is only a quarter developed; the human intellect cannot comprehend anything beyond the gross material of this ever-changing creation, the external world.

The period of 2,400 years during which the sun passes through the 2/20th portion of its orbit is called Dwapara YugaDharma, the mental virtue, is then in the second stage of development and is but half complete; the human intellect can then comprehend the fine matters or electricities and their attributes which are the creating principles of the external world.

The period of 3,600 years during which the sun passes through the 3/20th part of its orbit is called Treta YugaDharma, the mental virtue, is then in the third stage; the human intellect becomes able to comprehend the divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces on which the creation depends for its existence.

The period of 4,800 years during which the sun passes through the remaining 4/20th portion of its orbit is called Satya YugaDharma, the mental virtue, is then in its fourth stage and completes its full development; the human intellect can comprehend all, even God the Spirit beyond this visible world.” ~ Swami Sri Yukteswar, The Holy Science

Now, utilizing your understanding of all the yugas (ages), believing we are in Dwapara Yuga, and examining yourself, according to your evolution and the challenges presented by your own ego, you may overcome and rise above your own Iron, Copper/Bronze, Silver and Golden Rules.

Golden Rules (Satya Yuga – Total of 4,800 years)

My conscientious self: 
1. Keep to your principles in prosperity as well as in adversity. 
2. Be firm in faith through life’s tests and trials. 
3. Guard the secrets of friends as your most sacred trust. 
4. Observe constancy in love. 
5. Break not your word of honor whatever may befall. 
6. Meet the world with smiles in all conditions of life. 
7. When you possess something, think of the one who does not possess it. 
8. Uphold your honor at any cost. 
9. Hold your ideal high in all circumstances. 
10. Do not neglect those who depend upon you.

Silver Rules (Treta Yuga – Total of 3,600 years)

My conscientious self: 
1. Consider duty as sacred as religion. 
2. Use tact on all occasions. 
3. Place people rightly in your estimation. 
4. Be no more to anyone than you are expected to be. 
5. Have regard for the feelings of every soul. 
6. Do not challenge anyone who is not your equal. 
7. Do not make a show of your generosity. 
8. Do not ask a favor of those who will not grant it you. 
9. Meet your shortcomings with a sword of self-respect. 
10. Let not your spirit be humbled in adversity. 

Copper/Bronze Rules (Dwapara Yuga – Total of 2,400 years)

My conscientious self: 
1. Consider your responsibility sacred. 
2. Be polite to all. 
3. Do nothing which will make your conscience feel guilty. 
4. Extend your help willingly to those in need. 
5. Do not look down upon the one who looks up to you. 
6. Judge not another by your own law. 
7. Bear no malice against your worst enemy. 
8. Influence no one to do wrong. 
9. Be prejudiced against no one. 
10. Prove trustworthy in all your dealings.

Iron Rules (Kali Yuga – Total of 1,200 years)

My conscientious self: 
1. Make no false claims. 
2. Speak not against others in their absence. 
3. Do not take advantage of a person’s ignorance. 
4. Do not boast of your good deeds. 
5. Do not claim that which belongs to another. 
6. Do not reproach others, making them firm in their faults. 
7. Do not spare yourself in the work which you must accomplish. 
8. Render your services faithfully to all who require them. 
9. Seek not profit by putting someone in straits. 
10. Harm no one for your own benefit.

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